Welcome to AdaptNET
AdaptNET (Strengthening education, research and innovation for climate smart crops in India) is an ERASMUS+-CAPACITY BUILDING project, funded by the European Commission. AdaptNET is a bridge between higher education Institutions in India and Europe, sharing the common aim of reducing climate change impact on agriculture and developing climate smart crops.
AdaptNET is a 3-year (2018-2021) project that will support financially the mobility of Indian scientists, strengthening their competencies in climate change-related topics, and fostering a generation of high-level teachers in India.
AdaptNET will:
1. Train 30 Indian scientists through the participation in four specially designed workshops;
2. Provide 16 scholarships to Indian nationals for refining their scientific formation in climate-change related topics;
3. Update existing graduate programs at Indian Institutions, focusing them onclimate smart crops;
4. Establish e-learning laboratories in India.
The project is coordinated by the Agricultural University of Athens, Greece.
Duration of AdaptNET:
Start date: 15 November 2018 End date: 14 November 2021
For the description of AdaptNET in the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform please click here.
AdaptNET Webcon 2021: Climate-Smart Technologies for Agriculture & Industry: Challenges & Prospects
AdaptNET WEBCON 2021
Climate-Smart Technologies for Agriculture and Industry: Challenges and Prospects
July 28, 2021 at 9:30 AM IST
The program could be found here
Register here: https://forms.gle/ZiykZifvWNKUZppN9
Registration ends on 24th July, 2021. 11:59 PM
4 October, 2021
Novel Breeding Approaches for Food Security Under Changing Climatic Conditions.
For the program please click the button below.
13 - 15 June 2022
FINAL Conference
Venue The Fern Kadamba, Old Goa, India
Organizer Ishwarappa Katageri
Email katageriis@uasd.in
The agenda of the Final Conference of AdaptNET could be downloaded from the button below.
The final Conference of the AdaptNET project was held in Goa from 13-15 June 2022. The final Conference of the AdaptNET project was held in Goa from 13-15 June 2022. The University of Agricultural Sciences Dharwad hosted the conference led by Dr. I S Katageri and DBT-NECAB, Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat coordinated the event led by Dr. Bidyut Kumar Sarmah, Indian Coordinator, AdaptNET. Over sixty participants from European and Indian partner institutions participated in the conference.
AdaptNET provides high-level workshops (WS) on themes linked to climate change. The WS will occur in Europe (Italy and Greece) and India. Thirty selected Indian scientists will go through a one-month training period, refining their competencies in a muldisciplinary approach: from genetics to social sciences, to economics and legal aspects.
Workshop 1
Workshop 2
Genetic resources and Gene discovery for climate change mitigation. UNIVPM Jan. 27th to Feb. 1st 2020.
Workshop 3
Climate change and Agriculture. NEO (Navarino Environmental Observatory), February 3-8, 2020.
Workshop 4
Next generation genomics for developing climate resilient crops. ICRISAT, India, February 10-15, 2020.
We selected 30 Indian scientists to be trained on topics related to climate change, with an holistic approach. We selected 16 Indian PhD students to join EU labs for aquiring new knowledge. The advertisement for recruitment of the Indians has been published in the Indian Institutions' webpages, as well as in the AdaptNET webpage.