Workshop 3

2020-02-03 - 2020-02-08
NEO (Costa Navarino)
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Climate change and Agriculture


Summary of the workshop (prepared by S. Nayak)

03/02/2020 Introduction to the main climatic characteristics and the key mechanisms affecting the climate globally as well as in South-East Asia and India      John Kapsomenakis
     Panagiotis Nastos
     Kostas Eleftheratos
  Workshop Opening: Living in the Anthropocene      Christos Zerefos
04/02/2020 Introduction to Paleoclimate observation and model results.
Presentation of the main emission scenarios under which  the climate change projections are made.
Introduction to Global and Regional Climate Models the tools which we use for climate projections.
Lessons on adaptation and mitigation to climate change

     Elena Xoplaki
     Prodromos Zanis
     Prodromos Zanis
     John Kapsomenakis
     Panagiotis Nastos

     John Kapsomenakis

  Presentation of the projected climate changes till 2100 under different emission scenarios. Speciall focus in South-East Asia and India      Panagiotis Nastos,
     Kostas Eleftheratos
05/02/2020 Demonstration of digital tools and software using for intercomparison between climate models results and observational data and analysis of climate model data      Prodromos Zanis
     Kostas Eleftheratos

  Presentation of the main climatic parameters affecting plant physiology for tree crops, arable crops and vegetables.      Andreas Karamanos
06/02/2020 Presentation of climate change impacts on crop.
Presentation of climate change impacts on animal production.
Designing regional adaptation and mitigation actions in agriculture.
Breeding for climate change adapted plants.
     Dimitrios Voloudakis,
     Georgios Zervas,
     Dimitrios Voloudakis,
     Andreas Voloudakis
7/02/2020 Use of crop development software as a tool for simulating climate change impacts and adaptation strategies      Dimitrios Voloudakis
  Digital Agriculture -Demonstration of digital tools, software and hardware (GIS, Remote sensing, UAV, mobile applications) for site specific crop and soil management (irrigation, fertilization, pest control)      Dionyssios Kalivas
08/02/2020  Closing remarks      John Kapsomenakis
     Panagiotis Nastos
     Andreas Voloudakis


The workshop agenda could be downloaded here

The short bio of the speakers could be downloaded here

 For evaluation forms please click here



All Dates

  • From 2020-02-03 to 2020-02-08

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