Spread Ne

Society for Promotion of Rural Economy & Agricultural Development, North East (SPREAD-NE) 


SPREAD NE is a Non-Government Organization working with the vision of gradual but steady transformation of agricultural practices from chemo to organic production mode increasing natural resource use efficiency, building competitiveness of farm to fork value chain actors encompassing innovations in the organic food production packages, input use pattern and market dynamics. SPREAD NE is working in the entire north-eastern region of India creating farm and food entrepreneurs using natural resources sustainably and equitably for an inclusive growth in the sector. The organization firmly works on the principle of local people eating local food from the local resources thus converting the bio-wealth into bio-economy. It aims to promote ecological farming methods for eco-system management using scientific means, methods and methodologies; tools, techniques and technologies – attracting young farmers, women and children to the ever-demanding avocation called agriculture. The organization is leading a mass economic development movement in the villages of Assam in particular and that of the North East in general, – by training the small and marginal farmers to develop their homestead gardens into organic nutrition gardens with local nutraceauticals plants, herbs, fruits and vegetables ensuring nutrition security and also sustainable livelihood development by marketing the surplus through formation of cooperative and Farmers’ Producer Organizations. 

  • For more info please click here


Connect with us

Agricultural University of Athens
Iera Odos 75, Athens, 11855, GREECE

  • dummy+30 210 5294213

  • dummy adaptnet@aua.gr

AdaptNET is funded by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union.
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